freelance legal content writer

One of the easiest ways for law firms to get found on Google is by hiring a freelance legal content writer.


A legal content writer can ensure that your law website is sitting pretty at the top of the Google where it belongs.

legal content writer


So what tactics will a top legal content writer use?

There are many ways a law content writer can provide the secret sauce.

Principally, blog posts, web page copy, SEO, and other forms of content. Legal content writers will create content with two people in mind: The Google search engines and the individual reading the content.

legal content writer


How can a legal content writer get  your website ranking on Google?

legal content writers



In short, SEO.


When you decide to enlist the help of a legal blog content writer, you should enlist the help of a legal content writer who is skilled at SEO.


Believe me, there is zero point in hiring a freelance legal content writer who creates great content but has zero clue in how to get your website up to the top of the Google rankings.

Legal content writing

I would much rather hire a legal content writer who creates SEO rich content than some writer who creates a great blog post that doesnt rank on Google.


For SEO the aim of the game is to get your website noticed and if you hire a legal content writer who knows all of the tricks in the book when it comes to getting your website noticed on the (SERP) search engine ranking position,  you will be on to a winner.

legal content writer


So how actually will a freelance legal content writer make my website rank?

hire legal content writer


There are several different strategies that a legal content writer can employ so that your website ranks on Google and believe me getting a website to rank on Google takes much much more than simply stuffing keywords into a random blog or piece of content.

Legal content for a website

One of the first things that a legal content creator should do is to create a keyword strategy.


Keyword research will allow a content strategist to target certain keywords that will build traffic.


In order to achieve results, keywords will need to be used naturally in headings, body text, meta descriptions, and other locations.


An important fact that a legal content writer should be aware of is that some keywords are far harder to rank than others. Just because a keyword has a high volume of traffic this does not mean that you should target this keyword.




Because if you’re coming up against a massive company with tens of millions in their bank account, the chances of you ranking for this high-ranking keyword will be minimal. Sometimes, a better strategy can be to try and rank for lower competition keywords, otherwise known as long tail keywords, as this will allow you pick some of the lower hanging fruit from the tree.

Legal marketing writer

For example, if you’re attempting to rank for the keyword “lawyer” you will be coming up against not only some of the biggest law firms in Ireland but you’ll also be coming up against other major news publications and this will make ranking for the keyword extremely difficult.

Law blog writers will know to narrow searcher intent

Conversely, if you tried to rank for the keyword “lawyer Dublin d2” your chances of ranking would be greatly increased.


The addition of “Dublin d2” or whatever region you are located in narrows your searcher’s intent and increases your chances of getting found on Google.


There are tonnes of little tricks like this that a top quality legal content writer will employ to boost your rankings.



Should your legal content writer consistently produce content?

freelance legal content writer


Once your legal content writer has created a large body of work, over a period of time, you will begin to see your website rising in the rankings.


The Google algorithms like to see content being continually created on a website as this suggests that the webpage is active and that the people who own that website are serious about the content that they are creating.

The reality of legal content writing

In the era of fakeness, Google wants to know whether or not your website is a trusted resource, and one way Google determines whether or not your website can be trusted is by analysing the amount of people who read the content, share it, and engage with it.


A red flag for Google is if masses of people go to your website and then take flight like Usain Bolt.


In order to build up a regular following, this will take time, consistency, and effort.


A legal content writer will need to build trust

hire legal content writer


One way that a legal content writer can build up trust is by providing content that actually is useful to readers. A strategy that can be employed is via answering some FAQ legal questions and via providing insights into local laws. A legal content writer can also address legal news topics and other legal related material that will help inform users on a a range of topics.

Legal content for a website

The pivotal point is that your website becomes a trusted legal resource where users go to you to find the answers that they need. The fact is, when users find your content helpful and informative they will be much more likely to reach out to you for some advice.

legal content writer

Hire a freelance legal content writer who is skilled in SEO and can work as part of a team

legal content writer


A law content writer will know to combine SEO strategy informative writing and marketing to increase your websites traffic and conversions. Just because you decide to outsource your legal content writing this does not mean that you get to forgo all input on the content. When you outsource your content creation you should still strive to approve and oversee whatever content is created.

Law blog writers

One of the things that you should try to ensure is that the legal content writer that you hire is going to be on point with the voice of your brand. The last thing you’ll want if you hire a law content writer is if he/she verves off on a different tone of voice that does not suit the voice of your law firm.


While SEO is beneficial for just about any industry out there, it’s especially valuable for professional service companies such as law firms. Since the law industry often can’t rely on repeat clients, they need to work to attract new clients on a continuous basis. The best way to do this is to implement the right digital marketing strategies, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). That way, you can just watch the clients roll in!


SEO can help users find your firm online with ease. If you interest them enough, they’ll click through to your site and browse your offerings, possibly even booking a consultation. SEO is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to drive leads and help your firm realize success.

Convinced yet? If not, we’ll make it simple for you. Here are three reasons you need to invest in the best SEO services you possibly can today:

SEO Will Make It Easier To Find Leads

These days, people rely on the internet every single day to find the information they’re seeking—and that includes finding a good lawyer. SEO will make it easier for potential clients to find your law firm, making it possible for you to look forward to more leads.


SEO is vital for law firms because they can’t rely on repeat clients. That said, a law firm must find ways to attract new clients. What’s the most cost-effective way to do that? Make your presence known on the search engines!

SEO Allows You To Be More Competitive

Law is a very competitive industry. There are a lot of firms out there constantly seeking new clients and there are very likely some in your area. You need to find ways to make your firm stand out and gain a more competitive edge.


We’ve got good news for you: SEO in and of itself can be a competitive advantage. A high ranking causes people to perceive you to be a trustworthy firm. Mere presence alone can help—after all, most users don’t go past the first page of search engine results. Want to get a spot on the first page? SEO is just how you can do so!

SEO Goes Hand-In-Hand With A Well-Designed Website

Your law firm’s website should be responsive, easy on the eyes, and visually appealing. With the help of an SEO expert, you can guarantee that all of these elements will be on your website design. The look of your website plays a significant role in your online success, and even if you’re a law firm, you have to have an excellent website that will bring value to your site visitors. When you do this, you can look forward to higher conversions.

Pick the right legal marketing agency

Fortunately, there is no shortage when it comes to SEO agencies today. Since lawyers specialize in law, it’s only practical to entrust digital marketing services to the experts.


For all of these reasons, it’s clear that SEO continues to have a significant impact on law firms and other professional service companies. If you’re looking to help your law firm grow out and constantly attract new clients, invest in the best SEO services and watch it change your digital momentum.


Looking for the best SEO services for your law firm? We could be the partner you’ve been looking for! Visit our website to learn more about the best SEO tips and tricks!

How does the best legal content writing choose headings?

Picture the scenario.

You’ve just put together an impressive piece of content with all the trimmings and you’re looking to give it a title that will grab a global audience and spread like wild fire.


It’s a very fine art that very few can truly perfect to a tee, but it is achievable with the right know how. Over the years there have been several patterns and tricks that have served many writers well. Here we take a more detailed look at what it takes to create the perfect post title and things you should be looking out for along the way.

legal content writing

The Technicalities

Before going too far into it you need to ensure you are made aware of all the basic rules of a post title first. This refers to a handful of aspects, the main ones being the length of the title, the type of language used and what Google might make of it all.

Legal blog writers

The length of a title can depend on the type of content you’re looking to promote. For instance, an in depth discussion about finance allows for a bigger title margin, whereas a picture heavy post about cats “forgetting how to cat” doesn’t merit the same treatment.


The words you choose to use are also something that need to be remembered carefully. There’s a time and place for swears and you need to make sure what you say doesn’t single anyone out or narrow down your audience.


Google plays the biggest factor in all of this as they are likely to ultimately be the main reason for your post getting the most views. Try to figure out what keywords you can take advantage of and make sure the title you want doesn’t already exist elsewhere on the web.

The Subject Matter is key to a freelance legal content writer

The topic being discussed within your content plays a key role in how you structure the title.


Obviously, it needs to be relevant in some way or another but it also needs to be the kind of thing your target audience is looking for. Try to put yourself in their shoes and see things through their eyes. Let’s use a post about caring for pets as an example.


Animal lovers are primary candidates in terms of readership, but a narrower list may contain those who own pets, those with a specific interest in domestic animals, those with a profession in animal care and so on. These people are likely to want something factual and to the point. A title such as ‘best flea treatments for dogs’ is going to get more attention than a title such as ‘getting rid of your dog’s fleas for good’ simply because it doesn’t veer away from the point and is a more plausible search term within that particular audience group.

legal blog writer

For a freelance legal content writer, the Description is key

You’ll find that many post titles include a variety of different adjectives in order to peek the curiosity of those who stumble across it.

This can be done in both a positive light and a negative light. If it can provoke our more extreme emotions it is more likely to be viewed and shared. On the positive side you have nice words like ‘best’ and ‘cutest’ but these tend to get overused pretty quickly.

Freelance legal content writer tips and tricks

You can easily replace the word ‘best’ with something more thought-provoking like ‘most effective’ or ‘undefeated’. On the negative side, the same rule applies i.e. the word ‘worst’ can be replaced with ‘most horrific’ or ‘tragic’. You need to be able to hook the reader into wanting to know more by being both informative and animated. After all, titles like ‘Spectacularly Gory Allergic Reactions’ are quite hard to ignore by anyone’s standards.

The secrets to legal content writing

These patterns may change or vary in the next few years but for now many can still benefit from recognised trends within their chosen sector. If you’re still not sure who to approach it, or you’re struggling for words, why not jot your thoughts on paper.


It’s much easier to move forward when all your present thoughts are written in front of you and it can trigger extra inspiration from other areas of your mind. You can even use a thesaurus to help you use more descriptive words if you feel what you have written isn’t powerful enough.


The last word on legal content writing


In the modern era, hiring a legal content writer is an excellent way to grow your law firm. Of course, you could just decide to get someone in-house to create all of your content, but if you do this, you’ll have to factor into the equation that this might cause the employee to have an unworkable work load. You’ll be robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Law blog writers are essential

The beauty in freelance legal content writing is that it will enable your law firm to produce consistent legal related content that is fully SEO optimised and primed to increase your traffic and conversions.


Please check out our other blogs in relation to hiring a legal digital marketing agency legal digital marketing  and law firm SEO and lawmarketingqueens.

legal content writer

Need Legal content writers? Bonus info..

legal content writers

Legal content writers are in short supply. There simply aren’t enough legal content writers to meet the demand.

As more and more companies and government agencies adopt the internet as a primary means of communicating with their customers and constituents, they desperately need people who can write quickly and accurately about legal issues in a way that is both easy to understand and interesting to read.


The skills needed for this type of work are very specialized, which means that there is currently a huge gap between supply and demand for these services.

legal content writers?

Legal content writers have highly specialized areas of expertise.

If you’re looking to hire a legal content writer, keep in mind that they must have a very specialized area of expertise.


Legal writers must be able to write about a wide range of topics and have an intricate understanding of how the law works—but they also need to be able to write in a way that is understandable for non-lawyers and to drive traffic on Google.


This means that it may not be as easy for them as it sounds like finding someone who can meet all these requirements.

legal content writers?

Legal content writers require a high degree of professionalism.

Legal content writers and legal SEO writers need to be able to write clearly and accurately. They must also be able to process complex information quickly and accurately, work in a team environment, and work under tight deadlines.

legal content writers?

Legal content writers the key skills?

There are many vital legal content writer skills:


  • Legal content writers must be able to process complex information quickly and accurately.
  • Legal content writers( also known as legal SEO writers) must know how to drive traffic.
  • Legal content writers must be able to write in a clear and concise manner.
  • Legal content writers must be able to produce high quality work.
  • Legal content writers must be able to work under pressure.

Legal content writers should be versatile and capable of writing across many different legal topics.

If you’re looking for legal content writers, it’s important to find someone who is versatile and capable of writing across many different legal topics. In order to be an effective online legal writer, you need to have a wide range of knowledge about the law in general and be able to apply that knowledge in any situation.


This versatility also allows you to write more effectively because if your client needs something written on a specific topic, it’s easier for them if they can get one writer who has experience with all areas of the law rather than having several different people work on the same article or document.

legal content writers?

Legal content writers should showcase their skills with their portfolio and resume.

A legal content writer should be able to show you samples of his or her work through a portfolio. These samples can be in the form of blogs, articles, or other pieces that showcase the writer’s ability to create quality content for your site. If you’re working with someone new and small, then this may not necessarily be available. However, it’s still important for them to have examples of their work from previous jobs or internships that could demonstrate their proficiency at writing legal content for websites and online marketing materials.


If you are hiring a freelancer or independent contractor who doesn’t have samples yet but has experience in this field, ask them questions about what types of projects they’ve worked on so far and if there is any opportunity for you to see some sample works before signing on with them (for example: “I’d like another example from a previous project”). If they don’t have any work available yet because they just started out as writers themselves then consider using someone else until they build up their portfolio with more experience later on down the line!

There is an ongoing demand for legal content writers.

There is an ongoing demand for legal content writers. The reason you need a good legal writer is because there will always be a demand for new content and the best way to meet this demand is through writing by experts who know the industry.

legal content writers?

Every law firm, law practice, government agency or related business needs a steady supply of good legal content.

If you run a law firm, practice or business that deals with the law in any way, then you need legal content. It’s important for your clients and employees to know about your expertise and experience. You have a lot of information to convey and it’s critical that all this information gets out there in a coherent way.


You also have to consider how much time it takes you to write all this content yourself. If you’re spending hours upon hours each week writing copy, when could be better spent on more important matters?


It doesn’t matter if you specialize in criminal defense or corporate litigation—you still need good legal copywriters! The same goes for government agencies looking for help with their websites or campaigns; as well as businesses that have been accused of breaking regulations; even universities who need professors who can teach students what they’ll need when they enter the workforce after graduation (or before).

Law firms use legal content in a variety of ways.

Legal content is used for a variety of purposes. These include:


  • Marketing, training and education

  • Internal communications

  • Compliance, risk management and regulatory purposes

  • Legal research and discovery

  • Document assembly

Law firms need legal content that expresses the right tone, style and level of detail for each audience they are writing for.

Lawyers are constantly writing up contracts, letters and other legal documents. And when you write in the law field, it’s important to pay attention to the specific needs of your audience.


Law firms need legal content that expresses the right tone, style and level of detail for each audience they are writing for. That could mean using different language based on whether you’re talking about complex topics or more basic ones—or even simplifying things down from lawyer-speak into plain English.


Law firms also need legal content that is clear, concise and easy to understand because there are many different people reading these documents: judges who may be unfamiliar with certain terminology; clients who might have little or no knowledge of legalese; opposing counsel who could use the document against them but don’t know how best to do so (and probably won’t read all of it).

legal content writers?

Good legal content is hard to find, so if you have the skills needed to be a legal content writer, your services will always be in demand.

  • Legal content writers are in short supply.
  • Legal content writers have highly specialized areas of expertise.
  • Legal content writers require a high degree of professionalism.
  • Legal content writers must be able to process complex information quickly and accurately.


Writing legal content is a specialized skill. It requires knowledge of the law and its practice, as well as an understanding of how different audiences are likely to react to your writing. It also demands an ability to quickly synthesize information from multiple sources and present it in a clear and concise manner that will be understood by all readers. This makes legal content writers very valuable, because they are able to improve the quality of any piece of written material with their expertise.

legal content writers?

Website content writer Belfast. 

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