SEO copywriter

Not having a  top freelance SEO copywriter on your team is a bit like entering the grand national horse race on board a three-legged Donkey. You will lose!

The fact is, if you’re looking to get your website ranked on Google, it is essential that you hire a freelance SEO Copywriter. Via intelligent, targeted SEO copy, a freelance SEO Copywriter will help build up your traffic and your revenue base.


So what kind of SEO copywriter should you hire?

Just because you hire a digital copywriter this does not mean that they will be skilled copywriters. Anyone who can string a few sentences together can purport to be a digital copywriter but the real digital copywriters will be highly skilled and will know all of the tricks of the trade when it comes to manipulating Google so that your website ranks at the top of the pile.

freelance SEO copywriter

What kind of copywriter quotes should you be getting? how much will a digital copywriter cost?

freelance copywriter

How long is a piece of string? Whilst you may be able to hire some second rate copywriter on some freelancing platform, the fact is, you will end up getting a second rate result when these “copywriters” produce second rate, shoddy work that ranks in the rubbish bin of the internet.


Sometimes, when it comes to getting the best copywriter quotes, it can pay off to go hire a copywriter who costs that little bit extra because these copywriters produce results that will lead to far more conversions in the long run.

freelance SEO copywriter

What skills will a digital copywriter have?

freelance copywriter

A solid well trained SEO digital copywriter, should be a skilled writer who will be able to combine writing skills, digital marketing skills, SEO skills, and research skills.  In many ways, the best SEO digital copywriters will be like chameleon who has a multitude of talents that he/she will be able to bring to the table.


Just because one strategy works for one particular client this does not mean that this strategy will work for other clients. The best SEO copywriting will be able to tailor make their strategy so that it perfectly fits their clients needs.  A freelance digital copywriter should be able to identify gaps in the market that they can exploit for the benefit of your business. Once these gaps in the market have been identified, your freelance SEO copywriter will be able to devise a strategy that will turns these gaps into profits and conversions.

What are the major mistakes that a freelance SEO copywriter will make?

freelance SEO copywriter

One of the major mistakes that a freelance SEO copywriter may make is that create content without having a strategy.  When it comes to the best content on the internet the old saying of “fail to prepare and prepare to fail” is going to be very apt! Just because you or your SEO writer has a topic that you’d like to write about, does this really mean that you should be writing about it.  Absolutely not!


Online business’s should be creating content that has commercial intent. Content should be created with the possibility of converting this content into cold hard cash. What I’m getting at is, why create content if no one within your industry is going to be searching for it on Google?


Of course, you may get a few shares and likes on social media but when it comes to traffic that really converts social media is virtually an irrelevance. Why? Because social media is outbound marketing and outbound marketing converts way less than inbound marketing. Think about it:  If someone is looking for services and products from you, the chances are, they are going to be far more likely to purchase something if they are looking for you rather than you looking for them.


A digital copywriter should know how to optimize headings

freelance SEO writer

One of the major mistakes that a freelance SEO Copywriter can make is failing to optimise the headings. Headings are of vital importance when crafting content because the headings will tell Google what your blog post is in relation to.


The most important heading is your H1 heading, and when you craft this heading you should ensure that there are a number of relevant keywords inserted. The second most important headings are the subheadings, in particular, the H2 and to a lesser extent the H3 headings.  All of these headings should contain a scattering of your most important keywords because this will help Google rank you for whatever keywords you are striving to rank for.

freelance SEO copywriter


Failing to rank for local keywords, like SEO copywriter Dublin and SEO copywriter Belfast

local SEO writer

Nearly 50% of search queries on Google is people looking for information that is in relation to local businesses. For example, in this blog post If I tried to rank for the keyword ‘Copywriter’ it will be a hell of a lot harder than if I tried to rank for the keyword “SEO copywriter Dublin.” Why? Because the keyword ‘Copywriter’ is such a vast and broad word that the competition in trying to rank for the keyword is going to be pretty intense.


But if you narrow down your searchers intent, you should discover that this is an excellent strategy in securing a lot more traffic at only at a fraction of the cost.  You could even decide to narrow down your searcher intent even more by including an even more localised keyword like “ SEO D4 Dublin” or “SEO Ballsbridge Dublin.” Whilst these phrases might not have be high volume keywords they will be keywords that are evergreen and will convert into far better long term traffic.


A freelance SEO copywriter will be skilled in the art of link building

freelance SEO copywriter

One of the major factors that any SEO copywriter service worth their salt will be skilled in will be knowing how to build backlinks. But when it comes to link building, not all links are created equal. The best links will come from website that will have a high DA(domain authority) and these links should also originate from sources that are within your industry. One of the worst ways an SEO writer can seek to build links is via building spammy backlinks from weak websites. A strategy like this will result in Google realising that you are trying to game the system and this will result in them penalizing your website because of these dodgy backlinks.


So how can you build backlinks?


The fact is, there is no quick easy fix to building backlinks. The best way  to build credible backlinks is to create quality content that people will want to link to.

freelance SEO copywriter



When it comes to hiring a freelance SEO copywriter and getting the best copywriter quotes there is going to be no quick and easy fix that you can employ. Researching the best SEO copywriting services and discovering which one is the best tactic. Here at contentwriterireland we have an elite team of SEO copywriters, who will tailor make an SEO strategy that will perfectly fit your needs.


Check out our other blog on SEO services in Cork.

freelance SEO copywriter

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