product description writer

A product description writer should be able to create content that will tantalize and provoke users into clicking on that all-important buy button. The fact is, a well-written product description has the power to move customers through your sales funnel. A product description writer has the power to inject creativity into brand and increase your overall conversion rates.

product description writer

A product description writer will understand value propositions

product description writer

Whilst the majority of people will make purchases based on the product photo if you fail to create lively, engaging, and informative headlines you will be decreasing your chances of making a conversion.

What is product description writing?

One of the principal goals of a product description writer is to educate readers on the key benefits, value proposition,  and the overall solutions that the product will offer. In this article, I will focus on some of the key areas that a product description writer will  need to focus on and how your business can best benefit from hiring a product description writer.

product description writing services

 A freelance product description writer will appreciate the importance of content length

freelance product description writer

Each website will have a different layout, style, and product description template and just because one style suits one brand this does not mean that it will suit another. A top product description writer should be able to quickly determine which type of descriptions are going to suit your own particular brand.

How do you write a service product description?

Sometimes in product descriptions, less is more, and in some stores, simple bullet point descriptions may be enough to get your message across.

There are a number of different tools that a product description writer can use when they are trying to figure out the length of the descriptions, some of these tools include Google optimise.


Overall, with the length of content that is needed, there is no one-size shoes that fits all, the shoe that fits one person may pinch another. The best way your product description writer can determine what length will suit your business is via a system of trail and error.


Properly optimized content will be a key factor for product description writing services

product description writing services

The best product description writing services will appreciate that having properly optimised descriptions will greatly improve SEO. An elite level product description writing service will be skilled in optimising content via including specific keywords that will greatly improve your chances of ranking on Google.  Watery content will result in your products not ranking on Google because the content wont be long enough to contain a satisfactory level of keywords for that content to appear on the Google search results.

Product description writer

Not only should your product description writing services be able to insert keywords these keywords should be words that will be infused with commercial intent or buyer intent. Ensuring that your content is suffused with commercial intent will result in you receiving traffic that actually converts into cold hard cash, rather than traffic that is effectively dud, empty, and useless traffic.


Elite product description services will understand that not all traffic is created equally and the best traffic to get onto your website will be the traffic where users will intent to make a purchase.

product description writing services


An Ecommerce content description writer should be able to delve into the psychology of users

ecommerce content description writer

An elite ecommerce content description writer will not only be skilled in creating SEO rich content, but will also be skilled in including words that will have an impact upon the psychology of users. For example, some of these keywords are well renowned as having a huge impact on users:


  • Suddenly
  • Quick
  • Amazing
  • Hurry

Product description services

Some of the best words that a product description writer should craft into their content should be words that induce a sense of urgency. If users read content and the content suggests that there will be a limited time available for the product customers will be more likely to make a purchase. An ecommerce writer should be able to craft content that creates this sense of urgency and provokes them into opening their wallet and making that all important purchase.


So this brings us to the elephant in the room…


How can we make web pages easier to read?

product description writing services

Tweaks to make your web pages easy to read

How many times have you gone to a website, looked at the content and thought, “Can’t be bothered to read that”? It could have been too long, too dark and heavy, badly placed, badly spaced. And chances are, when you can’t be bothered to read a web page, you’re not the only one to think the same.


Let me start by saying that people read differently on the web than they do if they were reading a book. Not only do people tend to spend a lot of time staring at their computer screen as part of their day job, but the actual action of reading from a computer screen puts extra strain on your eyes. So if you can make your content easy to read, you’re half way there!


Plus if it’s easy to read, you’re more likely to have more readers. Bottom line is:


more readers = more leads = more money


When it comes to content on your web pages, it might look pretty, but it’s got to be easy to read. So here are a few tweaks that you can make to your web content right now.

Left align

There’s a tendency to centre align everything. It’s an simple way to design a balanced looking page – no need for images or content to the left or right, just slap it evenly down the middle.




It might look nicer (I said might), but it’s not easy to read. When we’re reading our eyes like to be able to predict where to jump back and forth to. And if the position on the page of the first word changes from line to line, you’re just putting more stress on often already tired and frazzled eyes.


And don’t be tempted to ‘justify’ copy either. It tugs and pulls at the spacing between words, again making your eyes work harder to spot the position of the words.


It’s simple, unless you have a VERY good reason, always align it to the left.

Font size

Simple. Too small and you have to strain to read it. Too big and you feel like you’re reading something from the Early Learning Centre.


A good size is 16 pixels. But it’s your call – strike a balance between design and function.

Font type

Design and branding plays a very important role in the font type that you use. It has to be in-keeping with the visual element of your website.


Pick a font type that is simple to read – nicely formed, easy to skim and scan. Avoid things that look like handwriting or have characters that aren’t very clear.


Widely used fonts that are easy to read are the likes of Comic Sans or Verdana. But opinion is divided. Huffington Post have an interesting article on the best and worst font styles.


You could always test it and ask a few people after.

A content writing service provider will know that sentence length is key

Try to write no more than 25 words per sentence – 30 words if you must. And where possible, even less than 25.


When you’re writing your own stuff it can feel a bit forced and awkward at first. Often it feels too simple – childish almost. But the truth is that longer sentences are not as easy to read and carry too many messages per sentence.


You have to remember that the way we read online is very different to sitting and reading a novel or a newspaper. So you have to write differently too. The quicker and easier you get your message across, the better.


Plenty of space.


Space is hugely important.


If your pages are too busy and crammed full of information – words, photos, buttons, videos, logos – you’re only making it harder for the brain to selectively attend to the best bits of information.


Have a bit of a clean-out of the information on your pages that doesn’t need to be there, or could be elsewhere.


A product description writer should highlight words

Readers rarely read word for word – especially online. They like to glance across the pages, skimming and scanning for the good bits.
So you can help them out by highlighting the odd word here and there (not SEO words I might add!). Do it sparingly, though. You’re trying to pick out key bits of info to guide the reader along their textual journey and make it easy to read, not bombard them with information.

A great product description writing service will cut the use of syllables

The greater the number of syllables in a word, the longer it takes and the harder it is to read. It requires more effort to take in the information.


So very simply, try not to go over 3 syllables in any of your words. Ideally no more than 2.


Make a few tweaks to your website before you turn away more visitors. Make sure your website isn’t the one that nobody can be bothered to read.

product description writing services

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