The Role of Headings and Subheadings in SEO Article Writing?

Headings and subheadings are an essential part of any SEO article. They help search engines to better understand what your content is all about, and they make it easier for people to navigate through it.

The key role of headings and subheadings in SEO Article Writing

Headings and subheadings are important for SEO article writing.


Headings, or H1 tags, are used to give your web page a structure. They should be concise and contain the most important information of the content. The body of your article should be broken down into different sections with regular headings.


Subheadings are also very useful for SEO because they provide context to your reader and help them scan through large blocks of text easily.

How to write H1 tags for your articles

The best way to write H1 tags is by using the title of your article as the H1 tag.


The title of your article should be written in bold, uppercase letters and with no spaces or punctuation marks. The length should not exceed 70 characters.


For example: If your article is entitled “How to Write an SEO-Friendly Article” then this will be the perfect heading for it!

How to write H2 tags for your articles

Now that you know the importance of using H1 tags in your content, let’s take a look at how to write H2 tags for your articles.


H2 tags are used to break up the main text into sections. They should be used for topics that are more specific than H1 tags and less general than H3 tags. For example:


  • An H2 heading might be used in an article about the best places to stay when visiting New York City. The first sentence could be: “Where to Stay”
  • Another example would be if your article was about how hot dogs were invented; you could use an H2 heading like: “The Origins of Hot Dogs”

How to write H3 tags for your articles

The H3 tag is used to indicate subheadings within an article. Subheading topics should be relevant, but not necessarily directly related to the main title of your article. Using H3 tags to break up content into sections is a great way to keep your readers engaged and focused on what they’re reading.


H3 tags should be used sparingly; they help break up the text into smaller chunks that are easier for readers’ eyes and brains to digest at once. It’s important not to overuse them—if you find yourself using more than one per paragraph (or even really long paragraphs), it may be time for you rethink how you’re structuring your content!


Finally, don’t get too fancy with your H3s either—keep ’em simple! You don’t want anyone getting confused about what point you’re trying make with each new heading; just make sure each heading clearly fits into its section with no ambiguity whatsoever

Write great headings, and keep them short.

You should use short, descriptive headings that are relevant to the content.


Your main heading should be an H1 tag and it should be the most important piece of information in the article. The second level heading (H2) is used for subheadings and sub-subheadings, while H3 tags can be used for any other important information within your article.


Headings are important for SEO, but they’re also important for readers. If your readers don’t understand what you’re saying, they won’t be able to engage with your content. By using headings and subheadings, you can make it easy for readers to find what they’re looking for in no time at all!


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