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Great copywriting can increase the traffic and revenue to your website. 




Copywriting influences the quality, style, type, and length of your content, and even where you rank on Google. It has the power to massively increase your online presence.


When it comes to content marketing, nearly everything starts with copywriting.

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What is copywriting?

Unfortunately, many people are perplexed about what “copywriting” actually means. Some common questions we hear include: What is copywriting, exactly? How is it different from content writing? What are the different types of copywriting services? What are some great copywriting examples?


Ready to hear the answers? At contentwriterireland we’ve got all of the answers and all of the skills.



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Copywriting Services Versus Content Writing Services

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Many people commonly referred copywriting to as “content writing,” but that’s not entirely true. To understand the difference, you need to know what “copy” and “content” are, and why they’re different.


What ACTUALLY Is Copywriting?

Copywriting  involves writing copy and content for websites


Copywriting applies to anything written with the intention of moving the audience to the next action. When a copywriter writes copy, they use techniques to persuade the target readers to do something that will profit the brand. Copywriting needs to be persuasive and must be capable of directing and persuading users to buy products, services, or other items.


Define Content Writing?

Website copywriting services

Content writing involves writing content such as blogs or guides.


Content applies to any piece of text written with the intention to educate or guide readers on a particular subject or topic.


So, where does the confusion about copywriting vs. content writing originate from?


Generally, people get confused about the differences because both skills can and do overlap.


For example, a content writer employs copywriting skills and tactics when they craft a compelling CTA inside an informative blog post.


A copywriter takes on content writing skills when they infuse their copy with valuable information and education for readers before moving on to the persuasive pitch.


Let’s be real, here: Only the most skilled online writers can effortlessly combine the two disciplines (copywriting services and content writing) without it seeming forced or in your face. There is a big difference between the two skills and if you’re going to succeed at both disciplines you are going to need to be a supremely talented writer.


Knowing the differences as well as how and when to use each skillset is a delicate balancing act that not every content or copywriting service writer can accomplish.

What Do Professional Copywriting Services Look Like?

copywriter services

As you can see, copywriting is a little more complicated than just writing for the web. There is a whole range of micro skill-sets that are vital if a copywriter or web content writer is going to succeed in their chosen discipline.


It’s broken down into multiple disciplines and types. Some copywriters specialize in specific disciplines, while others focus on general, jack-of-all-trades work.


Below you will find a number of examples of the different disciplines involved.

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1. SEO Copywriting

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The main goal of SEO copywriting services is to get your web pages ranking in the SERPs (search engine results pages). Nothing else matters.


Contrary to popular belief SEO requires copywriting much much more than simply inserting keywords and then watching the traffic roll in. You’ll need solid, user-targeted writing (especially in key places like headlines and meta descriptions).


Good linking practices (to both on-site and off-site sources). An SEO copywriter should try and get backlinks from high ranking DA( Domain authorities)


Know how online readers read.


In general, web SEO copywriting is split into two forms:


Product description copywriting, and web content writing. Let’s explore both.

Product Description Copywriting

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Product descriptions are an essential part of selling anything online – whether it’s hairdressing services, fishing tackle or any other product or service copywriting is going to be an integral part of marketing tactics.


A good product description helps the buyer understand the product, figure out if it meets their needs, and answers any questions they have about it. It also tells them important product details like size, weight, color, style, and more.


What Is Web Content Writing?

Getting your web pages to rank with Google is the goal of web copywriting services like content writing.

This doesn’t apply only to blogs, but also to landing pages, product pages, sales pages, and any other type of content you include on your site.

2. The meaning of Blog Copywriting

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In many ways, blog copywriting and content writing are interchangeable. As we said, this is what confuses people the most about both disciplines. Both disciplines are very alike but also are very different


To make it easier to comprehend, just think of blog post copywriting as a hybrid between content writing and copywriting.


It uses skills from both areas – informing, educating, or entertaining the audience while also persuading them to take some sort of action. Keep in mind: the persuasion part isn’t the main goal of content writing. The main goal with content is ALWAYS to fulfill an audience need, i.e., a what are the benefits.


Below you will find another great example of blog copywriting from the Write Blog – it informs you about Google’s June Core update (content writing) while sprinkling in some relevant nudges to check out our services (copywriting):


3. Marketing Copywriting Services

marketing copywriter

Now we’re coming to the traditional role of the copywriter: marketing copywriting services.


Of course, there is the Mad Men-esque idea everyone has in their heads about what a typical copywriter does, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. Without doubt, many copywriters would like to be going out there and banging every chick that moves, but unfortunately, the reality of life can be much much different.


As you’d imagine, a marketing copywriter might work on the following projects:


– Comes up with ad copy , slogans and memes

– Writes conversion copy (or direct response copy) that aims to get the customer to immediately purchase

– Writes ads for multiple channels, including web, TV, magazines, and all kinds of digital platforms.


One of the most common jobs for a marketing copywriter is creating persuasive, engaging Facebook ad copy.

4. Creative Copywriting services

creative copywriter

Stories have a way of captivating human minds. It’s no wonder some of the best copywriters infuse their copy with stories to make whatever they’re selling zing off the page.

Stories allow copywriters to get a message across in a much clearer and concise manner than would previously have been possible.

At Contentwriterireland, we use storytelling copywriting to explain how our online writing agency gets your content created, edited, and completed.

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5.  Technical Copywriting and what it means?

technical copywriter

Got a product or service that’s technical and difficult to comprehend and understand? That’s what technical copywriting is meant for.


A technical copywriter has a deep understanding of your industry, but can take that understanding and put it into engaging, readable language for the everyman or woman. E.g.,Technical copywriters take material that normally is very hard to understand and they make this content comprehensible and easier for your layman to understand. Basically, this form of copywriting attempts to make difficult topics much more easier to understand.


A technical copywriter is, therefore, your best friend if you work in SaaS, tech, web development, or another industry with techy language that can veer  of into a mass of obscurity that nobody can understand.


The right technical copywriting service will:

Simplify what your product does without dumbing it down.

Explain industry concepts clearly and concisely.

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What Makes a Great Copywriter in 2020?

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You understand what copywriting services are and why they’re absolutely vital for your business. Now, onto the next big question:


What makes a great copywriter? What skills should they have in their arsenal if they are going to produce stellar copywriting material?

1. Writing Skills

No, you don’t need a college degree to be a great copywriter but it does help!. However, you DO need plenty of experience with the written word.


That means:


  • A good copywriter knows their way around a blog post, a web page, or any other digital platform that requires content creation.
  • They’re skilled in creating all kinds of contenton various platforms.
  • They write clear and conciseprose, and make complex topics much easier to understand.


Additionally, they need an ability to engage the reader, which includes:


  • Writing compelling, eye-catching headlines that catch your attention
  • Making words and ideas flow like a river throughout each piece of content
  • Avoiding filler words and phrases
  • Using an appropriate vocabulary and style for the target audience


Usually, these skills come with years of writing practice and masses of reading and writing.

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2. A copywriter will know his audience

A copywriter who doesnt know his/her audience is setting themselves up for abject failure.




Because, when copywriters lose sight of their audience, they start writing for the wrong people and this will result in a loss in conversions and a loss in traffic.


That means your copywriter needs to be, essentially, the reader’s advocate, making sure the copy or content addresses their needs, pain points, questions, and desires.


Superior knowledge and facts can turn an average piece of content writing into a great piece of content writing.


Great copywriters will understand how vital research is and will find the information needed to make their content the very best that it can possibly be.


Copywriters penning blogs should also have a firm grasp of how to cite and link to sources in their writing. This is a huge piece of the puzzle of establishing the client’s authority and positioning them as a trustworthy source of information.

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4. A copywriter should be skilled in SEO and Digital Marketing

SEO and digital marketing go together like fish and chips. (One without the other just doesn’t make sense.)


An online copywriter is going to be writing web content. That means SEO knowledge is essential for positioning that content – no matter what it is – to rank. Period.


Additionally, a good copywriter needs some online marketing skills to guide and teach them. They need to know the lingo (CTAs, conversions, H1s, related keywords, and metas and loads more).

5. Specialized Expertise

For some industries, you can’t write copy or content without a degree of expertise and specialization gained in those fields.


A general copywriting service won’t be able to write about niche topics like tax and law.


Sure, a general copywriter can give it their best shot, but they won’t have a deep understanding of the competitor market.


In other words, a generalist will not be able to plumb the depths of a specialized industry topic. That’s why most expert copywriters eventually choose a specialist niche and focus on gaining the knowledge and authority necessary to write with aplomb in that area.


In specialized niches, relevant expertise is essential for a copywriter.

Hire a writer from Upwork or Freelancer to create this projects and you’re setting yourself up for a world of trouble.


An unqualified writer will be a disaster in general, for any brand in any industry, because they won’t have the necessary skills to write strategically and informatively on the given topic.

Hiring Copywriting Services Doesn’t need to be difficult

So, you need professional, online copywriting services for your brand or clients.


You need a good copywriter (or team of copywriters) who can go down into the depths and come up with a few pearls of wisdom.


Where should you look to find this mythical copywriting service?

You’ve just found it.


At contentwritersireland, we have a team of expert copywriters and contentwriters ready and willing to complete the perfect job for you.


From general copy to specialist content and everything in-between, we can take care of it.


Our writers’ specialities include finance, medical, legal, tech, video games, arts & entertainment, B2B marketing, travel, health & wellness, and more.

Contact us here at contentwriterireland and receive a free quote on copywriting, content writing, or content creation.


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Superior copywriters for your specific niche. We hire, staff and train only the very best of writers. From IT and software to medical, health, sports, gaming, computing and loads more. We train only the best


Expert web page copywriters to craft conversion-centric and reader-friendly content for your home, about, and other main pages


Email copywriting experts, trained by only the best email writing practices.


Build your online presence with tailor-made blog posts, written up to your exact specifications and scheduled straight to your blog by our editorial team.


Our on-staff Content Strategists can design the perfect content strategy for you and your company. So why not contact us and we’ll fill you in on the details?

Want to chat more about your needs and our services?

Contact us for a free quote

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